Monday, November 10, 2014


Right off the bat,
I love these people. 
I don't think I express my love to my family quite enough. Blogging about it is lame, but I just want the world to know that I am one lucky girl with one grandiose familia. 


Halloween was a blast.
To be honest, it's my least favorite holiday, but this year I put effort into it and got a lot out!

As a family, we totally nailed it. 

Friday, I checked out the art stroll on center street in Provo.
I was privileged to meet some stellar artists and eat some stellar food! 

(it's almost christmas)

(hello bruges. you are more than welcome to be a part of my everyday life from now on)

(hear me out. so whimsical)

Saturday was the perfect day to go hiking.
Squaw peak in all its grandest. 
Seriously, Utah, you're awesome. 

I got all artsy fartsy a few days back
and forgot to post these projects. 


In closing (photowise...)
Laurine and I went out for a photo shoot on Sunday. 
Neither of us knew what we were doing...
but she has a dang beautiful face and I love her to pieces.
So there. 

Go psuedo senior pictures. 

AND for some awesome news!!! 
I have adopted a new motto. 
"What's there to lose?" 
So, I've been doing things out of the blue...
Recently I've been feeling more and more that I really need to properly invest in photography. 
Make it a big part of my life. 
So I found someone on facebook. 
Justin Hackworth. 
NBD, he's just super well-known in Provo and I love his stuff. 
He has no idea who I am and I've never met him.
So I messaged him this: 

My name is Amandine and I am super interested in and impressed by your work!
I've been wanting to invest more of my time in photography and learn more about it but I've hit a wall...
I've never taken any classes and I'm pretty much self taught, which isn't very much:/ I've been looking around for connections and good resources and I've heard your name come up quite a bit with the rooftop concerts and local events.
Would you be able to help me out?
I want to take photography to a new level and really push myself in that area.
I wasn't sure that this would be the best way to go about doing this, but hey, what's there to lose?

And then I waited for days. 
Ok, only 3.
BUT IT FELT LIKE 293487329847123. 
And then he answered.
And I screamed and danced and smiled my face off. 
And listened to this song 3 times. 

I'm mega mega pumped. 
More to come hopefully!
