Thursday, January 31, 2013

le roi et la reine

we shall start off with two very funny videos: 

when i'm feeling sad, i watch these
and my gray skies become sunny

today work in the speaking lab today was close to terrible. 
i sat there secretly hoping some students would get lost and never find me.
luckily four people din't show up so i found consolation in pinterest for a solid hour. 
i was so hungry i felt like my stomach was eating itself and the only sustenance i had was chocolate. 
i should impose a sign up sheet for students. the criteria would require them to bring me food depending on the slot they sign up for. after all, professors are always passing around those silly treat sign ups 
(free loaders) 
so why not me? 

i found a pumpkin in our common's area a few days back.
it's been over three months but no big deal, i'm still going to attempt making soup out of it this weekend.

i was talking about the photography program with a girl today and 
realized that i am in deep need of a photo excursion. 
then i wondered how difficult it is to get into that program. 
then i wondered who was the one to judge and decide if you were good enough. 
then i wondered what they would say about my stuff. 

like all human beings i get bored. 
this is from a of couple days back.
no worries this was in my office far away from human interaction. 

i am so super ready to have my own house.
i mean check out my living room! picture this in my very own place. soon...
minus the flag, that's a little much (it just works for the context in this place.)

thank you pinterest

yesterday i introduced the glorious "fête des rois" to the french house.
i'm too lazy to explain so look it up.
in a nutshell, i made a delicious dessert (thank you mom for teaching me your grand ways)
and here are the winners!

so serious
and worthy of praise obviously 

after picture attempt #4
handmade crowns. score. 

it has been and will continue to be a very busy semester. 
three more months til i peace out of BYU...
it's blowing my mind, but i'm getting more excited by the day! 

thank you dear blog followers for being so diligent  in reading this silliness.
i like you people. 

hooray for the weekend! 

art project coming up! 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cinq jours plus tard

when you look at someone, the first thing you look at should be their face, not their left hand.
the end.

taking classes has never been dull because i try to make the most out of every silly thing professors and students do.
for one, a girl showed up to class with her notes on a paper towel...what?
for two, my professor said "i have good classroom management when i want it" with the most ridiculous look on his face.
for three, another professor reminded me of arrested development, using these exact words:
i've made a huge mistake
for four, "ashton kutcher, franchement, non." said professor number three.
for five, the girl who smacks her lips at the end of every single sentence!!

did you know that everyday is a holiday, a reason to celebrate?
i embrace that!
celebrate here

i believe God intentionally created us so that there are certain itches we can never reach.
probably because we look ridiculous trying to get them and he is the humorous type,
but also so we can have friends help us out.
hence the saying: "you scratch my back i'll scratch yours"

this morning involved another grand workout with the room mate and pancakes.
i also gracefully glided all the way to school.
luckily i have two room mates who took hold of each of my arms and dragged me half of the way.
my shoes had zero traction. i think i'll wear them again tomorrow.
i was then asked if i needed an escort for the rest of the day.
but seriously, if i wasn't stuck in the same building for eight hours i definitely would have needed it.
the snow has made me happy, and i showed up to work looking like a fantastic frosted flake.

in all of my years of education i have never used spark notes, ever.
it's so wrong.
but today i was desperate, so i did, and it was the worst idea ever.
quiz prompt: "tell the story about the galette (cake) and what it means"
answer: "today i didn't do the reading so i looked on spark notes...yikes. it didn't mention anything about a galette but oh well. this week i am making a galette for dinner:)"
yes, the happy face was included.
this is the most ridiculous thing i have done in my educational life. that's almost fifteen years people.

i absolutely love texting my mother and telling her how much i love her, and then getting the same response.
do yourselves and your mother a favor and let them know how grateful you are.

lastly, one day you must check out the valentine's cards at macey's, or any grocery store for that matter.
that was part of my evening, along with a 59 cent ice cream and a really good friend.
i deserved it after all of the homework i did.
pat myself of the back. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Aucune photo

first off, good things shouldn't be announced at the beginning of the day, 
it makes amandine all jittery and way too distracted. 
good news to come people, involving summer time and trips. 

starting the day with baptisms at the temple was such a wonderful idea. 
i felt so happy happy all day long! 
go people, go. 

someone handed me a piece of gum in class today and i forgot how to chew that stuff, it's been a little too long...i looked absolutely ridiculous. 

visiting the french instructors office always makes me feel good, my arrival is greatly praised and this time around someone approached me and said, "i know people who know you!" 
me: "haha! really? i mean, who doesn't!" 
cough cough. 

my literature professor took time in class today to explain what our assignments were leading to. 
"they are preparing you for the final paper. like a workshop in some ways. i mean, i don't want to throw it on you at the last minute, because in all of my years of teaching i have never had a single student claim that they love to write papers."
dear professor, presenting your first contradiction to that statement. 
i am indeed nerdy enough to highly enjoy that process.
amandine: 1
professor: 0
(i don't really understand the just seems more validating and legitimate) 

i accepted job #3 today.
i am also going to start writing my will, tomorrow. 

for your information the word of the day is: en règle. i have yet to hear an american use that in a sentence. 

being the super smart person that i am, i decided to pull a nifty little trick. 
the plan was to go to work at the mtc and then head straight to campus to study afterwards.
the mtc requires a certain attire...
but, why hassle with changing my outfit? 
i simply wore a skirt over my pants, went to work, walked out, pulled the skirt off, and finished my day. 
you may high five me next time we see each other. 
no one noticed a thing. 
i also used the word "regress" when sending feedback to a missionary. 
now i understand why my professor used's super gratifying. 

here is a magic link to a wonderful thing. 
please follow it and enjoy. 
it worked for me. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Un jour de congé

I'm back into the swing of things.
That includes capital letters at the beginning of my sentences. (for today)

My morning began at 8:00am 
Quite the accomplishment since it was a holiday, a holiday that no one even celebrates...
Not complaining. 
I "worked out" in my living room while the bread dough I had made the previous night was cooking away in the oven. 
It was beautiful. 
I sliced it up and froze it. 
Pre-made breakfast for a long time! 

Then I had that crazy urge to clean (again)
and did so. 
My room mate asked me if it was cleaning checks.
No, I just like keeping things clean. 
I plan on being an organized, clean, and neat woman my family will actually enjoy being around, thank you very much. 
So don't look at me like that. 
Also, I fixed the pillows that go on my couch. 
They look quite lovely. 

Being all healthy healthy I ate a wrap for lunch. 
As a step up I ate it with a fork and knife. 
Yes, I am that classy. 

For homework I am to read one of the most boring chapters written in the history of mankind. 
Paris à Vol d'oiseau from Notre Dame de Paris
Forget that. 
I'll do it tomorrow. 

My mentor teacher from China sent me a recommendation letter this morning to be used for job applications. 
He said many wonderful things, and then this: 
"Amandine has a quiet but cheerful personality"
Obviously, I was only there for three months...
I think he missed something vital here. 

For Papa's birthday I decided to put my christmas gift (muffin recipe book) to use and wow everyone including myself. 

So I made mini muffins, and to ensure that they wouldn't fail I watched them like a hawk. 


Oh, but they turned out so cute!! 

I am so proud of myself:) 
I've never tried muffins before. 
If all else fails in my life I will become the next muffin (wo)man and bake all day long. 
No big deal. 

Today was one of those decent days where nothing amazing was planned and I was positive not to run into anyone too important so I let my color scale go crazy and wore this piece of work:

I liked it. 
It was liberating. 
Not pictured: bright red christmas socks and multicolored striped shoes. 

Facebook account was deleted. 
Sweet relief. 

I was studying in the scriptures this morning all about how fantastic Alma and Amulek were! 
What awesome examples. 
At one point they are forced to watch children, women, those who believed in their words and sacred records turn to ashes. 
Amulek says to Alma, "Behold, perhaps they will burn us also." 
To which Alma responds, "Be it according to the will of the Lord."
I want to develop that attitude in my life. 
No matter what happens, if it's for the right reasons then it's for the right reasons. 
God knows exactly what He is doing. 
He is shaping us into better people and helping us reach our full potential. 
He loves us and knows us individually. 
No matter how crazy things get, I want to trust in Him and let it be according to His will. 

Happy times ahead! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

À gauche

there is good in everyday.
so make an effort to find that good and make the most of it.

i may or may not go into one of those typical "a photo a day" projects.
it's all up in the air as of two days ago.
here's my january challenge that still needs to begin:
it might just help me find happy things

there's a lot of good in taking french classes, but there is also a lot of pain involved.
some people shouldn't talk so much, that's all i'm going to say...
also, clapping in class is strange.
"good job for standing in front of your peers and speaking independently for three minutes."

some people find me so impressive.
i get asked so many times where i'm from and why my name is so cool.
i've been thinking about carrying around copies of my life history so people can let me be.
i don't mind the admiration though.

i'm glad i took a blogging break.
all of the ridiculous things that happened in the last couple of days can be kept to myself.

my job at the mtc brings me so much joy.
there exists great satisfaction in listening to missionaries make horse noises, talk about their crazy mothers, get super flustered, crack nerdy jokes, and forget to blow their nose.

i find great pleasure in wearing fake glasses
and sometimes in straightening my hair.

i obviously don't enjoy looking right into the lens
and yes, i like the beatles.

before hitting the sack i do want to share my day, it's fairly simple:
arrested development, more arrested development, food, soccer, work, movie.
yay me.

beautiful sunset though!
some editing involved

i'm feeling the need to write another song.
expect a surprise in the next few weeks.

the party last night wasn't as grand as i expected but i needed the dancing and some faces i hadn't seen in a while.
the music was perfect.
the people got what they wanted.
i was happy.
and the crêpes were great as usual.
someone came over today asking me for leftovers...nice.

lastly, crêpe pans aren't for bacon, after all they are called crêpe pans...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ma direction

WARNING: today's post is random, to the extreme.
(isn't it always random? yes, it's just magnified today)

as i was walking around campus the other day, i spotted a chinese professor
(nope, i have never met the man)
but right then all of my surroundings disappeared and i was walking the streets of china and i could almost smell the nasty street food...
someone once told me i would miss that food some day
my thought: you crazy?? now: i would give anything to smell it again

good thing i have a small amount of self control because i was quite close to yelling "nee hao!"
he has no idea what kind of an effect he had on me that day

i miss these crazies:

i plan on wearing corduroy pants for the rest of my life and all eternity
i have three pairs, all purchased for less than $30
huzzah! i have also been spelling "corduroy" wrong for all these years...
i won't even show you what i thought it was, too embarrassing

with it being the beginning of the semester, there have been no signs up for a speaking lab session
thus, i am paid to do my homework and eat almonds, how lovely.
also with the very small amount of people around i get to have personal dance parties
speaking of dance parties, i showed up to class early today and i was alone...
naturally i turned up some music and danced my little heart out

whoever is in charge, should think about getting rid of those awkward cracks between the bathroom stall doors and the wall
people can see...
i also feel quite accomplished about this.

sunday. i went home and had quite the fabulous dinner
matthieu prepared pheasant and it was grand
admire his work

for dessert we had what is known as "galette des rois"
tradition: a pie in which a small "fève" is hidden.
you find it in your slice, you win, you're the king or queen!
then, you choose your king or queen and give them a kiss.
i can't remember the last time i actually won, sad life, you can cry for me a little bit
so, pierre won this time
and chose me as his queen
what a fantastic fellow!
one day i'm going to find myself a king just like him:)

dove chocolates always confuse me more than they help...
i got this and i'm still not sure what the message is telling me to do

i have a buddy and he is quite fabulous, really you all need to meet him! 
only the truly great get their names on my blog, you have to be that special
this ami of mine is named levin, yes that's Le Vin.  
i can be as crazy as i want around this guy and he joins in. what a blessing! 
at fhe we played a yelling game
as everyone stood around eating ice cream 
we decided to have a scream off and see who could yell "hey" the loudest.
he won
people stared
and i laughed hard

my potential audition for this event...
still not sure

i am in a quote mood today
here's a good start
Roald Dahl was my favorite as a child:)

another reminder that life is all about perspective
so make everyday the best day of your life:)
there are no coincidences
everything happens for a reason
God sends us blessings all of the time
and we have the choice to be happy

go bonkers.

last, but most certainly not least
my constant talk of thumbelina has lead to this: 
Nicki and Grant
you are both quite fabulous and the greatest friends anyone could have!
this truly made me soooooo happy!
i started watching it and fell time i won't start it at 1:30am
much appreciated amis
it was like christmas all over again.

Océane: 55 DAYS!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Une bonne journée

yesterday is a little bit of a blur.
i probably shouldn't have stayed up so late.
the party next door went until 1:00 am, it was a good social experience
and i took mental notes for my party this next weekend, be excited.

following the party i crashed on the couch and decided to watch a movie. 
i did. but i didn't make it all the way through awake.
so i woke up this morning still in my clothes on my living room couch.
luckily, someone had pity and put a blanket on me during the night.
at least i took my shoes off! 
it felt like i had woken up from an insane party where i had gotten drunk, honesty i think i got pretty close to feeling what a hangover is like. 
i felt so dirty, having slept in my sweaty dancing clothes...ugh. 
i did have two friend requests though, 
after such an amazing display of my poor dance skills, 
of course people want to be my amigos!

i'm starting to get used to the couch...not a good sign
last year i slept on it 80% of the semester.

i began this morning with the food network
and also watched about 4 hours straight the day before.
i'm getting my fix before homework starts getting too crazy.
i get so emotionally involved with that show, it's ridiculous! 
most stressful moments right there.

those happy times when you forget it's payday
and then see that money has been added to your account.
feels so good

apparently i start work in the speaking lab on monday.
sometimes it would be nice if those people communicated with me. 

i recently received a soft bristle tooth brush. 
here's the deal: we all think hard bristle tooth brushes help remove stuff in our teeth and the harder we brush, the cleaner our little whites will be. 
so wrong my friends.
turns out it wears out your enamel way fast and doesn't even reach every area in your mouth
so, get a soft bristle tooth brush and feel better.
i feel like created an ad for this,
sounds enough like one.

today was quite fabulous
-international cinema: "tree of life" (can't go wrong!)
-deseret book
-barnes & nobles (heaven..)
-sandwiches for lunch (delish!)
-savers (great lights found for the party)
-play list planning
-mini get together involving crêpes
-arrested development 
-story time with peter rabbit
all in very very good company

also, you can never ever hug someone or be hugged by someone
too much.

lastly, i watched this three times
shared it with my room mates
watched it again
and almost died laughing in the process

Thursday, January 10, 2013

C'est long...

today for some random reason, i decided to take on a third job.
might as well die tonight, it would be less painful.
admittedly i am being a little dramatic, but this semester is looking pretty dang crazy.

my least favorite part about the beginning of the semester
is when professors announce those surprise textbooks
the one that demands another small chunk of your paycheck.

i have great classes
seriously, all these french courses make me so happy
even the francophile people who feel the need to constantly talk.
i have a french class, it's  basically a glorified book club, and today it made me so happy
i figured we should sit in a circle and pass around twizzlers
it would be appropriate.
after 3 years, homework is finally not demanding and overall enjoyable.
oh, i should read 20 pages from this grand novel?
sure, why not?

when i have my own house
i will most surely need a chair with wheels on it
it would make tasks so much easier
and exciting
plus i have way too much energy all the time so why not spend it productively
wheeling around

do yourself a favor and watch this
bob ross is the best
this is hilarious
and remember you are the creator

"i like girls with gymnast bodies"
men of the world, i just heard this come out of a dude's mouth
after finding out the girl he was talking to is a gymnast
i would really enjoy kicking you out of my living room
what is this? freak central?

i consider myself a
"pretty fly individual"
(fresh prince reference)
seriously, my life is grand 
and i love me.
everyone should feel that way about themselves.

i finished making my journal
it was free

when i get crafty
i get crafty
it was a great homework free evening

artsy fartsy quote i live by: 
"Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something."
Kurt Vonnegut

you know that moment
when your professor announces he has a pinboard for the course
(because that's how great he is)
and then prompts the class to follow it
and then looks at you 
and you both realize that you're probably the only one 
already following his pins
(because that's how great you are)

getting more and more excited for this party soon! 
also my poetic way of blogging pleases me
i hope you find it satisfactory as well

Le début d'un semestre

once upon a time my professor took 2 points off of my midterm 
for "regressing into unhelpful vocabulary"
frustrating...but i did like his choice of words and applied it to my life last night.

so here i am regressing into unhelpful and selfish behavior: 

-eating french candy
-messing with photography
-being lazy
-some homework
-organizing classes
-watching "ever after"

ever after was quite the nostalgic experience.
i realized how ridiculous it was.
don't judge, i enjoyed it as a child, i was strange then...
and now.

the key to having a good day is starting off with some michael jackson. 
just remember, dancing and getting dressed don't really work together, so take it easy. 
dancing is the best. 
i have a friend who dances on command, it's fabulous. i won't share his name. i want to live. 

last night my room mate threw a "raclette" party
one of these: 

but definitely not as fancy.

a guy walked in, i happened to be laying on my living room floor because i had cleaned it. 
it was some form of celebration. 
i had my etch a sketch and he dared look at me funny...just because he didn't get one for christmas.
so i did what i usually do and gave him a cheesy smile and a "hi"
anyhow, my room mate starts introducing everyone and he says, "oh no worries, i already met etch a sketch girl."  
get out. 

i have been successful at not hurting myself or anyone else lately, and no dishes have been broken.
it's a miracle. 
but, i was enjoying the snow so much on my walk home yesterday that i almost ran into a pole.
something is going to happen soon, i can sense it. 

i joined a co-ed soccer team.
the last time i played was in high school PE or some youth activity
if that even counts for anything.
super excited nonetheless!
if you have equipment i could use, please let me know.

applications have begun
contacts have been contacted
i just have to cross my fingers, pray a lot, enjoy life, and make muffins
from here on out

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Les sentiments

Heavenly Father places truly amazing people in my life.

I am so grateful to him for that.
It's comforting to know that I am loved. 

I would say something more profound but sometimes words don't express my feelings appropriately. 

I've often been told that painting or drawing out feelings helps put things in perspective. 
My etch-a-sketch was the only thing available 
and this is what I came up with: 

so much for that. 

being without a phone charger is a total pain. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tôt les matins

the reason why i didn't blog last night.
the reason why i stayed up til 1:30 am.

 so proud of this! 
it's even better in real life...

BUT i want to blog about yesterday anyway, since it was such a fabulous first day of the semester
i started off my morning with this guy right here: 

i mean, who wouldn't want to exercise with him? 
i will take a class from him one day. 
the man is 64 and still going strong. 
go richard simmons.

this was on my window sill...
i thought the snow and ice was supposed to stay outside


it was quite a successful day in relation to my outfit. no photos because i don't like that. 
just let your imagination run wild!......

i walked into one of my classes and a guy legitimately started clapping and cheering my name. 
as enthusiastic as i was to see a lot of people yesterday, i did not clap for them.
it was flattering nonetheless.
he did yell out, "amandine! this is your fan club right here" 
referring to himself and three guys i had never seen before. 
i must be more awesome that i thought!
i wouldn't mind being cheered on every time i walk into class though. 

people, i have a legitimate fear of a bird pooping on my head. 
it is bound to happen to everyone at least once in their lifetime. 
and when a whole bunch flies by, it just increases your chances. 
not appreciated

i met someone at the intersection by my apartment and he struck up a random conversation. 
i enjoy it when people take the time to say hello even if i will never see them again.
i need to be more genuine and kinder with people, complete strangers.
plus it's fun to make friends. 

there are now 3 movies in my movie collection, yet no thumbellina
i know nicki, i know, cheap on amazon.

i am in dire need of a phone upgrade.
charger broke last night, hence the phone did as well.
maybe it'll be a graduation gift to myself. 
dead phone=no alarm.
result: i sleep on the couch and put the timer on the oven...
yeah, i know how to use my resources!

also, capital letters should be banned from our writing system.
less trouble. 
i hate writing out capital "i".

happy 2sday everyone. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mon retour

New typing style. why not? 

You may recall the list I created approximately 3 weeks ago. 
Here it is in all its glory. 
I feel so accomplished.

Must do's over the break: 
-Make some leg warmers (began/attempted) 
-Take millions of photos (well not millions, but plenty)
-Build an igloo (although it wasn’t completed)
-Bake cookies 
-See the lights in SLC (I hate myself for not having done this)
-Plan the next year  (more than once)
-Dance, and dance more (everyday)
-Play the guee-tar
-Write letters
-Apply for a job (work in progress)
-Sell clothes (no need to, DIY projects worked just fine)
-Make money (score)
-Build a fort
-Paper snowflakes
-Read some books  (parts of some books...)
-Breakfast at Tiffany's  (at last)
-Finish a quilt (top part yes!)
-Art projects  (did I ever...)
-Make a journal
-Record music  (if filming myself counts)
-Hunt for sweaters
-Get fat  (I probably gained a pound and a half)

20/23. that's 87% proficiency people. 
I was 13% away from pure happiness. 

I returned to provo today. 
it was great to see the apartment again:) and the new room mates are awesome! 

this is turning into a bag

also, here is a beautiful man
my love for Gong Yoo has been rekindled
someone take me to Korea.

new semester tomorrow. 
other than the fact that I have a class in the SNLB (what the...?)
it should be grand! 

good stuff right here: 

When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer

When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,

How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
