Sunday, December 30, 2012

Confiance en soi

Today was not a sunday like any other.
being back home for church is always a pleasure and quite amusing.
I got to teach primary today and every child had exactly 45 seconds to share any info about their christmas. To make it fair I timed them on my phone. 4 out of the 5 children received an itouch.
They're 11.
Nonetheless, my lesson rocked and the kids shared all of their new knowledge during sharing time (ex. the time between the burial of the plates and when Joseph Smith found them and where they were buried) the primary president was impressed. score.

While leaving church today I overheard a talk (from a different ward) by a man who was using kung fu panda as an analogy. Something about Master Chi Fu and the peach tree....dude, please. 

Also I started chanting "I have confidence in me" from the sound of music as I left the building. 
I didn't realize how loud it was until someone said, 
"Well, we are very happy for you. And obviously we can tell." 

Today my mother had (in her words) a "brilliant" headache. Not sure if that works...

The break is coming to a close fairly quickly and I have mixed feelings about it.
The new semester is more than welcome in my life.
And things are looking good for future job prospects.

This christmas season I accomplished so many things. 
I have never felt so crafty and satisfied in a long time.

On the other hand, I believe I have completely ruined someone's break
and today I felt my heart literally break in two. 

This seems to be the only thing that can make me smile right now: 

Til we are graced with Océane's return: 72 days
blessed be.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Les préparations

I straightened my hair today and I was referred to as "ugly hair" as soon as Matthieu saw. 
He is so good at building my self esteem haha. 

The textbooks were purchased, tuition still needs to be paid, work hours were submitted, goals were set, planning took place. 
I'm ready for the new year. Bring it on. 
Speaking of textbooks...
This morning I found them all on amazon and placed them in my "cart". 
I left for 45 minutes and came back to find that the most expensive book 
(priced at $40)
was now gone and they had found me one for $52. 
Why is life so expensive? 

When I sign up for classes I feel like THE biggest idiot...
I honestly have to go through at least three of these before I'm approved.

what a joke. 

I am so excited to get back to my apartment and decorate it, so many grand things have been planned! 
Also, a great crêpe/dance party is going to happen. You are all invited. 

This made me laugh SO hard
for a very long time. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Un jour comme les autres

I love using spotify and listening to all of the fabulous music available to me. I just don't particularly love their endless ads for trojan condoms. sweet mother of moses...

It has been decided that the worst sound is the sound that follows whenever the person on the other end of the line hangs up.
You may say, "Amandine, please, there is no sound."

This morning I went to Wal Mart sporting the following:
-sweats I don't even own.
-white socks
-men's undershirt (as a shirt)
-multicolored scarf
-classy coat
I was all worried at first and then realized that i was totally going to fit in, so why in the world fret?

I've been thinking a lot about my life and my future. Perhaps a little too much.
I have so much to figure out within the next four months.
Sometimes I sit on my bed completely perplexed and confused and then think about how nice a trip to Europe would be and how delicious almond milk is...ugh.
I need help.

glue-yarn-ball-project-thing extension. 
new year party decorations are going to be a hit! 

photo of the day. 

I am loving this snow, a whole lot! 
Happy Holidays everyone
Huzzah for the new year. It's goal-setting time!

I have discovered so much new music, so happy. 
A dance party is being planned, I'm sick of sitting around. 
Océane's return: 75 days

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

À 5 heures moins le quart

Today I realized that my blog is nothing but my random thoughts. You are all becoming more and more aware of how strange I am...oh well, here it goes anyway, you may enter the depths of my mind.

Whenever  I get a new calendar, I always check to see if my month of birth has the coolest picture, it seldom happens and I have yet to be impressed. Curse you month of August!

I received one of those magic eight balls for christmas and it now determines my future and my fate. As far as I know I will live with no one but a cat and I should return the gray pants I bought today.

Christmas was wonderful! The Skype session with Océane was the best. The first things she said when she saw me was, "Hahaha. Wow, nice hair." Thanks...It was 5 in the morning.

Today I decided that I am in desperate need of an adventure. I need a road trip and I need new people in my life. Time for the new year.

I make myself laugh out loud all too often. Honestly, I think it's against social norms to find our own jokes hilarious, but I don't mind. I am quite the witty person. Or at least I like to think.

Today there are no pictures. Instead I treat you with a wonderful video of myself...singing.
This is a first, let me know what you think:)

Monday, December 24, 2012

La veille de Noël

In about 4 hours I will be skyping with Océane. so great:)

I played in the snow today and the snowball fight only resulted in me getting kicked in the head by some huge boot. Amandine failed.

Tonight we watched the old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in our new pjs. 
Such great memories of that movie! 
Matthieu said if Willy Wonka had a blog, it would look a lot like mine. 
I'll take that as a compliment. 

Food was so delicious tonight. Yay us for being French and knowing how it's done!

A few photos of the day: 

Christmas: Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!!
Blog followers have increased to 7. I pat myself on the back. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Christmas programs in church are always a surprise, you never know what to expect.
I'll leave it at that.

I went to mission prep this morning (more like dragged there) and it was fabulous. I had to role-play a lesson on prayer. It's impressive how much your testimony grows when you share it with others:)

I completed Matthieu's christmas gift. No pictures though, I think he actually reads this blog of mine occasionally...

Seeing that having a pet goldfish is against the rules in my apt, 
I might just go ahead and do it anyway at the beginning of next semester. 

Most of my goals for 2013 have been set.
It's going to be a grand year.
One of them entails getting a job, like a profession, yikes.

Blogging is so therapeutic.
General conference talks can never be read too often, get on it people.   

P.S. this girl is the
So grateful to be able to spend forever with her!
Party. For eternity

And here is a friendly reminder: 

Christmas: soon
Océane's grand return: 78 days

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mon projet

Pinterest project: yet another success.
Mug coaster.

Alors je cours

Too bad it wasn't the end of the world yesterday. 
It would have been nice to skip over waking up this morning. 

I have missed running so much. Laurine, Kelsey and I ran/walked for a good 50 minutes around the good old neighborhood in the fresh winter air. Lovely. The typical working out goal has been set for the new year and luckily I have a sister in law to help me out:)

Things I learned about myself today:
-I am so crafty.
-It doesn't bother me to stay under the shower an extra five minutes trying to touch my nose with my tongue. So close.
-I hate cinnamon candy. It was man's dumbest invention. 
-Feet baths are the best. I love them more than anything in this world. 
-I miss the past terribly. 
-Wal Mart trips are highly entertaining. Every time. 
-I can't get enough of Stevie Wonder. 
-I hate pretending to be okay. 
-I can't seem to get into the christmas spirit...
-Korean dramas bring me so much happiness. "Rich man, poor woman" 

We visited an antique shop. It was a mess. But so refreshing at the same time.

Today was rough, but at least I'm still alive.
Christmas: 3 days

Friday, December 21, 2012

Un succès

Two posts per day feels a little against the rules, but
I'm making my own rules today. 

There was at least one successful thing aujourd'hui. 
These are my pride and joy. honestly. I can't get over how fabulous they look. 
Pinterest win. 

Poker games: best family bonding activity. 
Watching the little brother add up the contents in the poker box: priceless. 
By his count: 8,500 billion zillion 25 dollars. 
He's seven. 
Iron chef: most wondrous tv show. 

Life is all about discovery and learning.

I am trying hard to keep busy and deal with the pain.
There are so many people with so many problems in this world. Mine is small in comparison, and I need to remember that.

Trials make you stronger. They teach you things about others, yourself, your purpose in life, expectations, goals, dreams, possibilities. Most importantly they make you grow into something amazing.
I'm going to accept the change in my life and learn from the difficulties. There has to be positive in this experience, it's there somewhere. I just need to find it and hold on tightly.

As much as it hurts, I'm turning my life over to my Heavenly Father and I'm trusting in Him and His love for me. I am going to let Him guide my life and help me in my decisions. The aching will leave, I know that. He will help me handle it and make the best of this situation.

I have to learn and discover where my faith lies and then use it to the best of my ability.

Start unwrapping your gifts, it looks like it's the end of the world today.
Christmas: 5 days
or today, depending on how you look at it. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ça fait mal

Today my dad said, "this is probably the worst day of your life...I wouldn't want to be in your position."

He was so right. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Un beau jour

What a fabulous wednesday!

I started the day with Samuel in the most beautiful place on earth.
We walked in right as someone was in need of a sister to do some family names. The temple always helps me put things in perspective and calm down, something I was in deep need of.
Right as we were leaving the temple workers were talking..."we're going to need a sister for this too..." and right then a young woman walked in. Heavenly Father doesn't waste time when things need to get done:)

I tackled yet another christmas gift. 
Then headed to the elementary school to hear the little ones sing their christmas songs. 

It's been such a crafty crafty break already! 
This balloon one is by far my favorite one. 
Although, it is expensive and we are going to need a lot more stuff to get it done...
It's a work in progress.
The new year's eve party decorations will be the best.

Following the grand adventures of the day, Mike came over and had dinner with us after which we had a dandy time at IKEA with maman and laurine. I'm so glad America was smart about something and brought that store over here. What a blessing!
It's so good that Mike is back:)
Matthieu and Kelsey are coming tomorrow, oh baby.

I need to read more.
I look more and more like Océane
We get to Skype with that girl on christmas (BAH!)

Christmas: 6 days

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Quelques choses

Just a few pics I thought I'd share today. 
These were taken around town in Pleasant Grove.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Je suis en vacances

Busy day people. Busy day.
What was done:

5:40 arose
5:45 worked out
6:00 showered and go ready
6:30 ate breakfast
7:00 left the house
7:30 work at the MTC
10:30 visit to Edgemont elementary
11:00 interview for possible summer job
11:30 drove to orem
12:00 substituted for maman's french classes
1:15 headed back to provo
1:30 ate lunch 
2:15 more work at the MTC
3:00 called counselor
3:15 headed home
3:45 collapsed on my bed
3:50 planned next semester
4:15 called Nicki
4:20 laughed with Nicki
4:30 looked at textbooks
4:55 ate dinner
5:30 went to Laurine's basketball game
7:15 got home from said game
7:30 talked with maman
8:00 crocheted 
9:10 took pictures
9:15 started to blog

......and I'm supposed to be on vacation. ha!
I'm also a little disappointed in the MTC. apparently, to them, i'm amadine girad-carrier. people please.

I'm graduating in four months and 8 days. holy cow.
This summer I might just be in Switzerland giving guided tours of hikes in the alps. happiness.
I am finally figuring out my entire future career and got way more info than anticipated today. blessing.
Christmas gifts are complete, all 5 scarves. wonderful.
Tomorrow Mike comes back to Utah. stoked.
Completed a pinterest project last night. nailed it.
I shall write a book one day. plan.

Christmas: 8 days

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Et puis, il a neigé

Last night I crocheted 3 scarves
Of the 12 christmas gifts I have to take care of, 5 are done

This morning it finally snowed! 
And here we are shoveling away...we should start a business...
This afternoon we'll build our traditional igloo:)

Christmas in 10 days. 

En Mémoire

The news of the Connecticut shooting tore my heart right out.
I stared at my computer for a solid 5 minutes in total shock.
And then I cried in my kitchen for 20 minutes, hard.
Good thing I have a mother around to talk with.
I've never had anything hit me so hard, it was strange, and a huge wake up call.
What in the world would I do if that happened to me...?
Honestly I admire what Obama said. I know it's hard for plenty of people to agree with this dude, but he shared some pretty comforting words yesterday.
As a future teacher, this event blew my mind in every way.
Some of those teachers were so brave, and even some of those students (K-4)
I'm absolutely positive Heavenly Father is watching over the families that were affected. All of them.
I am just going to do the most I can and pray hard for them to feel peace and comfort during this time.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

J'ai fini!

I refuse to post ridiculous facebook comments all about the difficulty of finals week.
Hello, we're all doing the exact same thing, all 34,130 of us. congratulations you for taking a final.
But yes, I am officially done with this semester as of midnight on december 13th and it feels so good.
Next semester will be my last and I am more than excited for it! 

A few end of semester notes: 
Selling books back at the the BYU bookstore has never worked in my favor. Of all my textbooks they only wanted to buy one back... for $2.50. I kept it just for kicks. 
Cleaning checks were a breeze. 
Being home is throwing off my routine, everyone went to bed at 8:30 pm, say what? 
I secretly wish my parents lived in a state other than Utah so I would have an excuse for a road trip. 

I'm too sleepy to function...we'll cut this short.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Le Chocolat

It's been almost 8 months since the last post...I hope you've missed me. 

I will begin with the most beautiful thing in my life as of yesterday: 
Introducing God's gift to man. 

I miss France so terribly. 
I mean look how gorgeous it is! 
(Yup! I took them pics. Congratulations, self)

I plan on running away there soon. 

This semester was a good one:) 
Finals are almost over
I can't wait for the break
So excited for Christmas
Where is the snow? 

Must do's over the break: 
-Make some leg warmers
-Take millions of photos
-Build an igloo
-Bake cookies 
-See the lights in SLC
-Plan the next year
-Dance, and dance more
-Play the guee-tar
-Write letters
-Apply for a job
-Sell clothes
-Make money
-Build a fort
-Paper snowflakes
-Read some books
-Breakfast at Tiffany's 
-Finish a quilt
-Art projects
-Make a journal
-Record music
-Hunt for sweaters
-Get fat

Happy to be blogging once again:)

Monday, April 23, 2012

monday funday

Today was so busy.
Woke up at 6:15 AM and I blame my family entirely.
began the day

bought things I need for china:)
applied for a credit card to bring to china
went to the library to find books about china
yard work. three words: too dang hot.

I did EVERYTHING with samuel and mom today and enjoyed it quite throroughly
sam and I are going to start a band in the fall. be excited. more news to come:)

we bought so many plants from home depot...and then realizing that we didn't have any scissors for the inconvenient rope that held the trees together, we used keys and nail clippers. quite entertaining! 

Olimpia called and it made me super happy because I was waiting all day for something like that to happen.

I had this insane craving for fries "late at night" (according to mother) so we swung by McD's (which was closed at 9:30 pm due to a power shortage...the lights were all on and we still got food) I downed a large fries in 10 minutes, plus 10 chicken nuggets. America #1.

If I could post about my excitement for the end of this week to come, your computer screen would explode, so I'm being considerate and simply saying that I'm stoked. 

I'm sure more happened, but I'm too tired to bother about it for now.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hivers 2012: Résumé

I didn't blog once this entire semester
yet soooooo much has happened!
so here is a brief summary of some of the wondrous adventures I had

first off, I grew much closer to my family especially my mom
my parents and my siblings are my greatest and closest friends
they truly rock

 Sushi trip with the roommates: 
(plus Michelle)

Bethany got her mission call:)
Paris, France!! 
She's going to be quite amazing!

that's all. 

I'll always love the fact that Marissa came along on our crazy adventure and was satisfied not eating the sushi but simply drinking water. 
she's always so classy and composed. 
too much grace!
I don't think she ever got enough credit for how hilarious she is! 
truly, laughing with Marissa is my favorite thing ever:)
I'm glad she'll be living in the FLSR again. 
more fun times to come for sure!

Amandine + chopsticks = 


And then there's Bradley:)
what a fantastic fellow he is! 
We all took a trip to the Cocoa Bean. 
Him, not knowing that it was basically a place for women conventions cam anyways and then ended up going down the street and buying himself some burgers. 
what a man

I'll never forget how tasty it was. 

This pic was for Elvera's class. 
This is my favorite. 
Mainly because Olimpia is dressed like an Indian
and Bethany represents the white population of the world!
also, our apartment just loved to embrace diversity and various cultures. 
we were always so kind about it:)

oh, and then there's the eiffel tower in the background...

when this fell on me during the night, best ever!
twas on bob's birthday:)
we are meant to be. I know he's waiting for me on the other side!

celebrating bob's bday and my half bday on the same day:) 
no better way than to do it with cupcakes. 
cupcakes that actually turned out well! 
yes, 3 layers of icing
and a chocolate peace sign. 

EPIC sweater making with bleach.
I started a revolution! The whole apartment complex worshipped me on a day to day basis for about two weeks, until they all had the grand idea to just make some themselves. 
Amandine may just be a legend now in the sweater industry. 

I received and sent out sooooo many letters! 
Oceane wrote me diligently, and I replied faithfully. 
Also, many other friends contributed to the happy pile pictured below!

I actually took college seriously this semester. 
truly, it was a hard thing to do but I was dang dedicated to my school work
It's definitely paying off though.  good grades and satisfaction for my soul:)

also, my laptop legitimately died.
so here I am with my trusty rental laptop
a mac
.....never going back

HOLI festival was grand! 
great people
great times
great pictures

BTW: I'm an amazing party planner 
and decorator! 
happy birthday Grant! 
your apartment looked quite fabulous
thank you, self

 and then there were those moments when Coleman would experiment with 
the red balloon for quite a while. 
not complaining, 
we were entertained
yes, the balloon ended up floating in mid air for a few seconds

 Second Practicum: 
I was placed in a sixth grade class for a month and I fell in love with everything about it. 
I am so excited to teach!! 
I had the best experiences in that classroom and I will miss those kids
 Mostly, I'll miss being called Miss G.C. for a while

 Built a fort to celebrate the end of the semester. 
Michelle and I realized that it's been a while so we improvised...with packing tape and blankets from three different people. 
we then did the girliest thing ever and watched the notebook while eating gummy bears and popcorn. 
by the next day it had fallen apart and it honestly looked like we had all gotten drunk and gone crazy...

 best location ever. 
loved living so close to the temple:)

The Quote Wall
the grandest idea I have ever had and the one thing that truly bonded my apartment. 
thank you Olimpia for the countless contributions! 
I would pick a favorite quote but there are three reasons why I can't: 
1. It might be racist
2. It might be slightly inappropriate
3. They are just all so good

 Kari-Ann's idea:
this was definitely put to use 
in the most loving way

 and then I went back to the natural curly hair look. 
I think I might go back to it for a while, i'm enjoying and so is everyone else so why not?

went to my first concert
was an actual groupee for a while
performed with my guitar
named the guitar: Lewis
fell in love with the Malt Shoppe 
kicked butt at the whole secret valentine thing
went stargazing
went off roading (I want a truck)
got messed with (strange confession/detail to include)
crepe fetes...
learned Haitian Creole
bought "how to be an explorer of the world"
and a hypotrochoid kit
and a little wooden man for sketching
wrote so many lists
made the sandwich game a serious part of my life

all in all it was a great semester
and I will miss all of the good times and awesome people

oh, and I'm going to China in 6 days! 
