Friday, December 16, 2011

C'est La Vie

Today was quite fabulous. 

My last final was turned in.

Celebrations consisted of a trip to the mall, a bowling adventure, a trip to McDonald's, cleaning, packing. 

People are just fantastic. 

Certain people are just amazing. 

This break will be such a good one! I am so ready for this...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Les Examens

Finals consist of:
cold cereal
sleeping on the couch
the no sh** zone
faking pregnancies
craving fries
cake in a mug
coup d'etat
laughing endlessly
strange outfits
virtual animals
pre-blessed food
justin bieber
hidden parking lot

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Les Étoiles et Un Avocat

Stargazing is my all time favorite thing to do.
It gives me time to think about my life and the world around me.
Also, it's quite beneficial to go with friends. 
Someday I would like to go to outer space, as crazy as that sounds...I think people should be able to dream.
The MTC field...apparently is a forbidden place for commoners like myself. I've been there honestly at least a dozen times this semester and I was "caught" for the first time on Thursday night. Lame!
It's relocation time.

Also here is my newest project: 
Be excited people!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

La Cuisine

I swore I'd never be a typical at home wife who cleans all day, but I'll definitely be cooking a whole ton.
            I believe I will have quite a fat husband. But he will be content.
I do have a lucky group of friends because they obviously benefit from my cooking craze.
Every sunday we have a little pow wow
and I make food
it's become some sort of moral obligation. 

Some things I just do for fun.

Certain things I give credit to pinterest for. 

 Cream filled cupcakes. 
The best turn out so far!

 Fortune cookies....that's all I have to say:)

 Then I rock everyone's world in my math class with this baby!

 Cooking rocks. There have been a few failed attempts trust me:

but it's all worth it in the end. 
Also, I learned a valuable lesson: don't try to impress people with a three layer cake, it always backfires. 

 oh, and everything is made from scratch, every time. 
I don't believe in things from a box. 
That's against my standards. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I love this season...
crunchy leaves
     fantastic colors
          crisp air
                         hot chocolate
and the conclusion of one more semester.


Les Amis

I have the best set of friends anyone could have.
I'm not just talking about the friends I see everyday
but also the friends I see every now and then who genuinely care
the friends who make me laugh
the friends who aren't afraid to be themselves
the friends who take me the way I am
the friends who comfort me
the friends who eat all of my food
the friends who make unscheduled restroom stops on road trips

the friends who randomly send letters in the mail
the friends who study on the fifth floor of the library
the friends who surprise me with cookies
the friends who like to listen
the friends who tell me things the way they are
the friends who believe in me
the friends who cheer me on
the friends who are spontaneous
the friends who stick around through the thick and thin

Les Introductions

Thankfully there are some smart people in this world. 
Smart people who look for the good in everything. 
So, I am taking life one day at a time and looking for those happy moments that make me smile.
Yes, it's a stolen idea, nothing new.
Let me begin with the fact that I am happy to be me. 
(As humble as that may sound)
Hello world! 
Let the adventure begin. 
Apres tout il me faut rien qu'un sourire!
