Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pour toi

France was beyond amazing. 
I was depressed for a whole day after coming home. 
I have a summer job. A call center. 
And I love living at home!
I'll possibly blog about all of this in the future. 

Just one thought that's been on my mind these past few days. 
I've been around for a while, I've gone through my personal ups and downs. and I've gone through college. Thus, I'd like to say I've learned a thing or two. 
One thing I've hated this whole time is fake people. 
I can't stand them. 
I wish more people were real with themselves and with others and didn't try so hard to be something they're not and to put on a show. 
"HEY! I"M HERE!!" ...yeah, we noticed.

What's the reason in presenting yourself as a person you're not?
What's the point in acting someone else's part, in not being who you're supposed to be?
Why sell yourself short??
Is it just to fit in? 
Trust me, that ain't gonna work.  
Been there, done that. 
I came across a quote that got me thinking...
"Do not chase people. Be you and your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay." 

Really. Enough with the short selling. It's mega lame. 
It's not worth all of the effort, because while you're putting on your fake act, your audience will eventually get tired because they've seen it before and they can't find anything authentic in it. So slowly, one by one, they'll start exiting the room and will leave you standing there on your silly little stage under the little spotlight you created for yourself that's done nothing but shine down on a persona that isn't even realistic. And then that little light bulb will start to flicker until suddenly it'll completely burn out and you will be alone in the dark, with no one knowing who you are. The real you.

This summer is all about loving me.
Not in that super selfish way but in the way that I come to know who I really am and being okay with that. 
Showing people that I'm okay with that. 
I hope you'll do the same. 
To those few people who read this: you are awesome. Love yourself. Treat yourself well. And never sell yourself short. 
