Sunday, December 22, 2013

avant noël

Christmas break feels so good.
The past 24 hours have been golden, filled with nothing but laziness.

Friday was our Christmas party at school.
Half an hour before leaving I decided to make Christmas cards for all of my students.
Bubble painting, genius idea for a quick and simple craft.
Combine warm water, dish soap, and food coloring. Take a straw and blow into the mixture create colorful bubbles. Gently press your paper to the bubbles and voilà!

One of the parents brought in a photo booth.
Forgive the blurriness. 
And meet the coolest lady in the world. 
Kathi, my other half and role model:)

I have a mental list of things to do during the break and one of the items involves checking out as many Christmas lights as possible. 

It's the most wonderful time of the year! 

Give it up for two whole weeks of happy. 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

parce que

Things on my mind: 

When I wake up at 6:15am and feel like I've slept in, there is obviously something clinically wrong with me. 

Sometimes I listen to One Direction all day long. My students would be so proud if they knew. 

I really don't understand the dating scene and how to go about doing that...if anyone has advice, do share. 

Océane and I are planning our home ward's new year's eve party. Motown theme people. MOTOWN THEME. I'm trying to contain my excitment. 

Christmas is in 11 days. Ain't no thaing. 

I might run away to mexico, or alaska, or haiti this summer. We shall see where that goes. 

There are days when I feel terribly incompetent and terribly insignificant. 

When a parent calls my classroom and talks to me for half an hour, it makes me feel like I'm doing something good. 

On long days I get home and Océane has cleaned the whole apartment, made my bed, spread christmas cheer, and cooked me dinner. So I cry a little. 

Hanging out with my family is the happiest pass time. 

What a blessing it is to have the gospel in my life. I love my savior, I love the book of mormon, I love the knowledge that my family is eternal, I love the power of the atonement and forgiveness, I love the missionaries, I love it all:) 

Last night I watched mormon messages and I'm a mormon videos for over an hour. 

I miss going to the international cinema. That must change. Soon. 

I am going to start writing a book. 

Matthieu is finalizing things with his food truck. Shout out to the best food coming to you soon. Kebabs, YUM. 

I love love love my job. 

Have a happy day, because every day is the best. 

Monday, December 9, 2013


Monday, Monday, can't trust that day. 
Never a truer statement

Student looks at my picture on my badge.
Student: "So...when can you get a new one of these," 

People don't have enough fun. 
Especially around finals time.  
Granted, I'm graduated, I'm done, so you may think I have more free time. Sure, why not. 
But seriously. 
It is ok to drop the textbooks for a few hours. 
It is ok to have a spontaneous dance party. 
It is ok to take a trip to the grocery store. 
It is ok to spend time with friends. 
It is ok to make cookies. 
It is ok to answer your phone. 
It is ok to make a piñata. 
It is ok to take a nap. 
It is ok to listen to music while staring at the ceiling. 
It is ok to run around in the snow. 
It is ok to drive around pointlessly. 
It is ok to draw a picture. 
It is ok to watch mormon messages forever. 
It is ok to have a good time. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. 
So drop those books friends, at least once, and have a grand time doing something spontaneous. 

That's my great advice. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013


I've made up my mind to blog a lot more often. 

Today I tried Spam. 

Apparently it's a pretty big deal...

But unfortunately nothing about it looks appealing. 

Luckily, I found this amazing website. 

Who knows, it could be life changing. 

Monday tomorrow. 
New week, new beginning. 
And 17 days until christmas. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

in times like these

running away to the mountains is the greatest therapy. 
hands down. 

i was in deep need of a photography excursion so i ran away right after school today. 

since i haven't posted in ages i'll catch you up. 
one: teaching is great. 
two: i love my job more and more every day.
three: life is good. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

un jour ou l'autre

It's been too long.
One month and 12 days to be exact.

Big things have happened.
And life is better than ever.

Welcome to my classroom: 

Where I educate the minds of young people. 

I think we should be covered for the winter. 
Back to school night was the best. 

 I relied on wally world for classroom organization. 
Love me some free stuff!

School has been going really really well. It's crazy to think that tomorrow is week 5. 
What the...?
My students tell me they like my pants, all the time. 

Océane and I have moved in together. 
What a blessing! 
She creates delicious foods I can never get enough of. 

Highlight of the week: 
Chalk the Block. 
I didn't go last year, mostly because I didn't want to go by myself. 
This year that changed. 
I went by myself, but at least I went. 
So glad I did. 

 This was probably my favorite, for obvious reasons...

And this little boy was adorable! 
I need to set more time aside for photography.

That's all for now. 
Bed time. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

avant la fin

i'm enjoying the last few days of summer. 
aka this weekend. 
training starts on monday and doesn't end until the first day of school. 

making the most of everything before dying to the world. 

i want this in my future home. 
it's perfect. 

yes, it's happening soon! 
if you know me well, you know how pumped i get for birthdays!
sometimes more for others than for myself.  
this one will be good.

if you've never been to the asian market, you're missing out. 
i almost cried when i walked in. 
i want to go back to china so bad. 
i miss it all.

hello delicious pizza. 
garden style.

officially registered, officially mine. 
