Sunday, April 28, 2013

tout ça pour un exemplaire's been a while.
BUT i've also been quite the busy person.

graduation finally came!!
here i am in all of my glory, with the coolest person ever: 
thanks for getting me this far maman!

Nikki came and that was the grandest component of my graduation ever.
she was a little disappointed about the fake diplomas though. 
"all this for a sample??!!" 
love her. 

the faculty of my department decided to give us graduates a "special gift" 
they sang a song about taking the light and sharing it and stuff...
it was horrendous, not gonna lie.
one gift i could have gone without.
i believe i'm the dean's favorite person, as well as all of those other important people.
they all hugged me after the ceremony and told me how awesome they think i am. 
special treatment. flattered:)

also, grandest news of all. old news, but good news!
i got my dream job.
really, i've been hoping for this for years and years, and working my bum off to get it.
i'll be teaching french in the immersion program at edgemont elementary school, fifth grade.
happy beyond reason!!
after talking to the principal i hung up the phone, jumped around, laughed, cried, screamed, danced, and hugged a bunch of people. it was a really strange reaction, but whatever. 

my parents and i talked about finding a place to live in the fall.
which resulted in maman looking at houses, the cute little ones for single people such as myself.
so i might own a house.
no. big. deal.

tomorrow i leave for Paris.
it sounds like i'm all composed...but i'm not.
i'm so excited i might just combust on the spot.
many many many pictures will be taken! maman might hate me after the first day...

after my return i will be referring to my summer list, which is quite long and quite awesome.
i may or may not post it here someday. we'll see. you can join me in my adventures!

living at home will be good. i didn't think moving out of the french house would be so hard.
sooooo many cool people there that i'll miss a lot!
it's been a great experience.

i can't believe college is over.
there were days i thought it seriously would never end. but it did. just like everything else.
i've had some hard times that were luckily outnumbered by the grand times.
i've met some amazing people and made some life long friends.
i've created memories.
i've grown spiritually.
i've learned so much about myself, and people.
i've decided to live out loud and to enjoy everyday i am given.
i've chosen to be an example.
i've made up my mind to take chances.
i've become a better person.
i'm ready for whatever adventures lie ahead.

here's to the next chapter of my life. huzzah.
