Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Happy Wednesday:)

I am absolutely crazy.
I come to school way too early, but it's alright, because my preparation for the day involves dance parties and listening to general conference talks, which can be found right here (CLICK ON ME) just in case you didn't get to watch or listen, or simply want something magical in your life!

Today was grand, mainly because we did another art project.
We compared two paintings and my students blew my mind with their comments! I wanted to cry a little. Nerd.

I tried to upload pictures but my phone is hating the world right now.
Basically the students made their own stencils and then use brayers and ink to stamp them on paper. It was grand and they loved it!

Can I just take a moment to say how much I LOVE my job. I do. I really do. It is such a huge blessing in my life and brings me so much happiness!

I'm only this artsy fartsy at work because of my mentor last year who just so happens to be the coolest lady on the face of the earth (after my mom) Kathi Conrad is seriously my hero and one of my greatest friends. She taught me so much about patience, love, charity, and hope. I feel so blessed to have been able to work with her for a year and I miss her more than I could ever express over a silly blog post.
I feel that a road trip to Idaho is right around the corner...

Also, I came across a website today full of great jokes. I laughed hard at these:) especially the sherbert one...

Now you can sense my elevated level of humor. 

Tonight I picked up a foreign exchange student for my parents. He is 15 and straight from Japan, and honestly the sweetest boy in the world. 
I originally wasn't a huge fan of taking time out of my evening, to be honest, but I'm sure glad I got to meet him and talk with him! It made me realize how badly I want to learn an asian language:) 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mardi matin, le roi...

Starting the week off on a tuesday was grand.
As much as I love mondays, you just can't trust that day...

In the recent art news:
I continued photographing my leaf collage because I enjoyed watching it change over the last few days.

Then I tore off all of the leaves and let them float away in the wind all in grandiose representation of accepting change and differences and moving forward. 
How magically artistic of me! 

Also, I have put my sewing machine to good use. 
I found this skirt at DI, only it was 3 times my size, literally. And now it fits my body:) 
Everyone at school told me I looked scottish, even the principal. It must be my hair or something...
Anyway, this is the kind of skirt one of my teachers in England used to wear...her legacy must live on. After all, she was probably the most interesting one I had. 

I continued to kick butt today by baking these delish madeleines. Mother, I'm proud of myself. 
Feel free to lick your screen.

Last, but most definitely not least!
I collect old photography and film related things from (you guessed it) DI and I found this gem. 
Buddy! Now I can scroll through sweet films on bird-watching #soessited. 

Bed time. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

De Retour

Guess who's back, back again.

It is fall break and for Miss GC this is grand news. Definitely something my brain and body have both been needing!
My goal was to keep as busy as possible and not give myself time to think. Partly because of certain events, and partly because I wanted to use my precious time effectively.
I feel as if I've been pretty dang good at it so far.

Here is the run down in photographs:

First off, this beauty was born!! Élodie is freaking gorgeous. Perfect baby. You may now refer to me as "aunt Amandine":) 

I visited BYU campus and put my newly acquired library card to use by checking out a large selection of créole books and haitian cooking books. 
It will prove useful, I promise.
Speaking of Haiti, I am going this summer.
Don't know how, don't know when. 
Frankly, don't know much. 
But it's happening. Count on it. 

Also, I swung by the BYU art museum which was marvelous! 
And the took a quick habitual trip to DI where I found the following beauties. 
I have a thing for old suitcases...don't ask because I can't explain. 
And my new pride and joy, a sewing machine.
I just need to get good at it...

I took a well-deserved and well-needed hike up provo canyon as well. 
I am pretty obsessed with the close-up might get slightly annoying for you #sorrynotsorry
such AMAZING colors.
I can't even begin to express how much I LOVE the fall!

There was absolutely no editing done.
I gladly pat myself upon the back for that. 
I think I might actually be getting good:)

Several fun visits to the family involving loads of chinese food and happy times.
Lauring taught me how to make a great scarf in 15 minutes...for real. And you knit with your arms. 

This morning I went to the temple. 

Without a doubt, the most beautiful, peaceful, wonderful, fabulous, and grand place on the earth. 
I love the calm and comfort I feel within its walls.
How blessed I am to live so close! 

I attempted to record a song...
Take the word attempted seriously. 
I looked up the definition. 
attempt: make an effort to achieve or complete something (something, typically a difficult task or action) i.e. try to climb to the top of a mountain.
What a mountain. 

Also, my grandpa once said that no one should ever ever ever try to sing Edith Piaf songs. 
It marked me. 
However! she is the best and my favorite. 
Well, my grandpa's right. So take it with a grain of salt and if you stop listening after 10 seconds, I won't even know:) 

Disclaimer: Just because it's on youtube doesn't mean it's good. 
It was the only way I could get it on here.

Since I woke up at an outrageously early hour, I spent the remainder of my morning working on random art projects. 

I mean, leaf collages and dream catchers? Yes.

Then I went to Joann's where someone told me I had great hair.

I then tried to get my phone fixed because it now has a mind of it's own...
Seriously. It's a little scary how often it restarts itself in one day. 
Sprint couldn't help. 
Sooooo, I bought a new phone.
Rash, you may say? 
Bring it. 

My evening consisted of this: 

and grocery shopping.
I will not go hungry next week:)

To make it an even more complete day I went and visited Cassi. 
You see, Cassi is the coolest gal ever.
She is one of my closest friends and we did as all good friends do. 
We watched "Ever After" and had ourselves a grand time! 
I mean how can you not??

No joke, this was the movie of my childhood summers.
I have watched it well over a million times. 
(I also felt like the black and white photo gave it that extra "hmph") 

A grand break it has been so far! 

Two more days to go.
More adventures to follow. 
Stay tuned!
