Sunday, April 6, 2014

c'est long

I don't know why today feels like the new year for me, but it does.

Maybe it's the fact that it was general conference.
Maybe it's the fact that spring break started and I have a lot of free time to reflect on things.
Or maybe it's the fact that I never sat down and planned out my 2014 on January 1st...

Better late than never.

Speaking of general conference, it was inspiring and answered many questions that I had.


I'll take this time to share a few thoughts.
I know with a surety that God speaks through modern day prophets and that they are inspired men.
I feel so blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I will always be so grateful for the missionaries who found my grandparents, and for my grandparents who accepted such a wonderful message. I owe them so much.
I know that Jesus Christ is my savior and redeemer, that He lives, that He suffered and died for me, that He knows me perfectly, and that He loves me perfectly.
I cannot imagine what my life would be without this knowledge.

Sometimes I think of the value of posts like this one. Whether it is read by many or by few, what matters most is that I have a testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel and I am not ashamed to share it with others. I am not afraid of what others may think of me.
It has taken me a while to come to understand my responsibility as a member of this church, to fully understand that I must share this message with others as often as possible. It took me time to have courage to stand strong and open my mouth. It took patience, prayer, faith and much help, but I feel unstoppable now. I finally feel that desire to lead others to feel the joy and peace that I feel. What a wonderful blessing this gospel truly is!

I often reflect on the past few years of my life and wish I could write it all out on one of my white boards at school and take a step back...then take that darn eraser and wipe out quite a few unappealing moments.
But how incomplete my life would seem. How dull and unfulfilling those empty white spots would appear.
I don't embrace my failures until much later in life. I think that's the natural thing to do. My life without failures would be a joke. I wouldn't be who I am today without them.
Today I made up my mind to embrace those failures. Not as a reminder of how lame I once was, but as a reminder of how awesome I can become.

Since I haven't blogged in a few...months, I hope this doesn't come across as an oh-Amandine-is-just-spilling-her-beans-because-it's-been-so-long post.
It's more of an oh-Amandine-just-wants-you-to-know-a-few-things, whoever you may be.
